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Our company has successfully applied for Dun & Bradstreet Code

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  • Time of issue:2023-06-19 18:00:30
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our company has successfully applied for the Dun & Bradstreet code


Our company has successfully applied for Dun & Bradstreet Code

(Summary description)Yes, and yes. My memory foam mattress is amazing. If you are considering getting one, I would highly recommend it. You can't go wrong with a mattress that contours to your body and relieves pressure. Nothing beats memory foam in that aspect. You may find you sleep a little warmer than on other mattresses, but if you ditch the heavy comforters or blankets, it should help.

  • Categories:Industry News
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  • Time of issue:2021-11-09
  • Views:0

After the official review of Dun & Bradstreet, our company has successfully applied for the Dun & Bradstreet code。The information is as follows:

Enterprise Chinese name: 宁波爱而美科技有限公司

Enterprise English name: Ningbo Airmei Technology Co., Ltd

Duns code: 63-777-0226

The Duns code is the global unique idendification code of an enterprise, which is used for FDA registration, 

UDI registration, customs clearance, etc., and is attaching increasing importance of enterprises.

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Address:Central Ofiice:Room 15-1-02,Building 3,No.677,685, and 687 Changxing Road,Jiangbei District,Ningbo City,CN,315020 Workshop1:Lujun Industrial Park,150 meters west of the intersection of Songhe Avenue and Zhiyuan Avenue,Luyi County,Henan Workshop2:Huangjianshan Village,Lizhou Street,Yuyao City

Contact Person :Carrie Chen

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